Helping You Regain Control of Your Financial Future. When there is not enough money to cover all your bills, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. If you are in debt, you may be pressured by creditors to pay money you do not have. It can get to the point at which you fear picking up the phone or going through your mail. Financial distress can also make it difficult to concentrate at work, as well as cause you to avoid social situations. Fortunately, you have the power to get back on track with your finances. At Simon Resnik Hayes LLP, we work with people and small businesses to find debt relief and mortgage solutions that give them financial breathing room to make a fresh start. Through bankruptcy, loan modification and other alternatives, we can help you stop foreclosure, repossession and garnishment. There is a reason we are known as the “home savers” in Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, Riverside, San Bernardino and Orange Counties. Se habla español
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15233 Ventura Boulevard Suite 250 Sherman Oaks, California CA 91403, US
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