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The attorneys at the Law Office of Barry T. Simons are specially trained experts in the particulars of DUI defenses. Our legal team is comprised of professionals who have past and continuing education that makes them precisely prepared to offer the best possible defense for your DUI case. With rigorous training and a focus on the most current relevant scientific knowledge, our attorneys have developed the legal skill necessary to defend cases of all types. One of the attributes that sets us apart is our willingness to challenge both the Courts of the State of California and the Department of Motor Vehicles. In addition to providing a strong defense of your case, we want to make sure that you can keep your license. Barry T. Simons has been providing DUI Defense in Orange County, California for the last 40 years. In that time, he has become nationally-recognized leader in the defense of DUI cases. The Law Office of Barry T. Simons continues to defend DUI cases in Southern . We have been especially successful with taking on DMV suspensions as well as bringing to light improper DUI procedures that may have contributed to your case.